Sunday, February 11, 2007

............. OVER THE HILL

Tomorrow I will be, my husband assures me, 'over the hill' - it is my 50th birthday. "Which hill is that dear?" I ask with a slight hint of sarcasm in my voice - "You know! The hill that I reached two years ago, when you and my sister took great delight in winding me up unmercilessly about having reached an age when I could go on 'over 50' holidays with SAGA along with the endless bottles of vitamins for the over 50' age group", he replied. I am hoping that as he is slightly more mature than I, with less of the childish sense of humour that I have, I wont have to spend the whole day putting up with the '.....aaaaah you're middle aged' related comments - but I somehow doubt it lol

'Over the Hill' seemed the right name for my newest product which will be in the store at Digitals from Monday 12th February - happy scrapping!

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