Wednesday, October 01, 2008


It's Digital's 4th birthday and from 1st to 8th October you can visit the Birthday Blog Blowout where you will find gifts from participating Designers. The links will be available for one day (... one day = 24 hours no matter what part of the world you live in!) ... and at the end of the 24 hours, the link for the next day's gift will be made available and the first one will be taken down. If you miss a day and you want to make the set up, the album that I am offering for download over the 8 days will be in the store for sale as a whole product or as quickpages after the birthday celebrations are finished.

So here we are at Day 1! I hope you like today's offering ...... don't forget to call back again for Day 2 tomorrow.

24 hours are up on this one and the link is now down - sorry if you missed it. You will be able to buy this as a single quick page in the store after the 8th October :)

Dont's forget to visit each Blog listed on the blogroll below and collect all the other daily offerings made by the other talented designers at Digitals.


Sharon (Nini's Notions) said...

Teriffic page, Tink! Thanks so much!

Elaine said...

Thank yo much, love it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely page - can't wait to see the whole album!!

Tabatha said...

Thanks a lot for the QP. I love it
